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DDD Melbourne is an inclusive non-profit conference for the Melbourne software community


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DDD Melbourne is an inclusive non-profit conference for the Melbourne software community. DDD Melbourne provides a unique opportunity to sponsors because we attract people that don't normally go to software conferences. This occurs as a natural result of our core principles:

  • Making the ticket price as low as possible ($89); people don't need to request PD budget from their employer to attend and it's accessible to most people regardless of financial circumstance
  • Running the event on a Saturday; people don't have to arrange time off work and contractors don't have to miss out on billable opportunities
  • Allowing anyone to submit about any software industry related topic; gathers wide interest from extended networks within the community
  • Having a democratically chosen agenda; generates excitement and interest from the wider community
  • Focussing on creating a safe and inclusive environment where everyone is welcome; encourages a diverse set of attendees and attracts repeat visitors and an expanding presence year on year via a growing network

Find out more about DDD Melbourne

DDD Melbourne is a not-for-profit community event with a low ticket price for attendees (much lower than the per-person cost) and the only way we can run it is via generous corporate sponsorship. Thanks to all our sponsors new and old - we can't do this without you!

We have a sponsorship prospectus that will be provided on request that explains detailed benefits and impact of sponsorship and the difference between the various levels; if you would like a copy please contact us!

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